Welcome to Mars Base, humanity’s foothold on the Red Planet! Join the expedition as an interstellar botanist and make history: turn barren soil into fertile farmland, grow food for colonists’ tables, and unearth the secrets of Mars! Are you ready to science the “crop” out of everything?
The base is a living organism, with dozens of facilities. You will have access to all the necessary essentials upon landing, including crafting facilities, research labs, solar power plants, and your trusty greenhouses.
Set up base
Martian soil can be toxic and barren, so botanists have to get creative. Starting with raw resources supplied by fellow colonists on a daily basis, you'll be able to gradually turn this sterile land into something much more suited for life to thrive.
Crafting is essential. Bring back those resources and see what can be made to help you survive the challenges of Mars - or grow your agricultural projects instead!
During down time, don your iconic chef hat and whip up Martian-cooked meals with freshly grown produce, race Mars rovers for research, or build rockets to gather more resources beyond the red horizon.
Mars Base activities
Two player local co-op (kid mode)
Gather a little companion to help aid you in your quest to colonize Mars. They extract the soil, harvest the crops and cook the food, while you relax.
Mars Base inhabitants and fellow Martian’s.
Lover of wine and fishing. Was about to retire to a quiet life after a lifetime of teaching how to farm, but then heard the calling of the stars.
Mars Base mayor and believes Mars should be independent of Earth. Runs the local post office.
Local redsmith and master of forging materials. Here to etch her name into the history books as the first to forge with materials from Mars. Coined the term "Redsmith"
Professor Mystaria
Professor of theoretical engineering and research of new technologies. Believes the universe and its energy are all intertwined and connected with everything.
Garden and fresh produce vendor. Enjoy growing fresh vegetables and producing more seeds to keep the harvest going.
Daytime carpenter, selling interior props and weapons. Used to be a night time adventurer until the last accident.
Mars base local librarian, safeguarding knowledge from Earth here on Mars. Currently writing a new book and doesn't mind a skeleton in her books.
Michelin star chef back on Earth with a nutritionist background. Runs the local food shop, very bubbly and loves saying POW!
Runs the local fish market. Loves fish as much as a bear! Working on hydroponic technology to help sustain crop and fish growth.
Runs the pub saloon, serves the best fried chicken in base. Her pub is rumored to be haunted.
Solar energy lover and owner of the Mars Rover racing complex. Looking to continue a family legacy and be the 1st woman to race on Mars!
Roark's good friend, general shopkeeper, sells rocket parts and machinery. Shroud of mystery surrounding her and how she got to Mars Base.
Professor Gilbert
A wacky Scientist who creates bizarre yet functional inventions. Has 3 wonderful droids serving the base.
Runs the local meat shop at the markets. Loves fried food and a good drink.